
Friday, October 26, 2012

Gloria on Google fiber video

Thank you to my sister for spotting this video. Gloria made a cameo during the google launch party ours truly was featured

She is about 30 seconds in the video! So proud of my wife! She is truly an amazing woman of God who I am thankful for!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Master Bedroom

We keep finding pictures of how to decorate the master for our idea board ... but we keep losing them somehow. So now we are going to try the cloud approach. Below is what we are currently shooting for as far as the colors.

We won't have recessed lights but have a ceiling fan, nor will we have a sleigh bed or an armoire. Our bed will be something similar to this:

I am thinking to stain the bed a dark color or paint it black or ebony or espresso.

The patio doors will be a white linen, bamboo blinds for the windows.

No hard wood floors going for a nice comfy carpet.  The same color scheme will extend into the master bathroom. Where we have a light color tile for the floor. The accents in the master will be brushed nickle.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Toy Storage Continued

Sorry for the poor focus but the video above is another reason why we don't have storage.... maybe it is time to move some toys outside LOL!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Toys and Storage Needs

Two weeks ago we celebrated my son's 2nd birthday.
In addition to the cake and fun with relatives he also received a large amount of toys.
And not just any toys.

For example:
This brand new inflatable spider man toy comes with many, many, many, many little plastic balls.  So in addition to being 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide, we chase balls all day long.  It also doesn't help that there is not more space in our son's bedroom to put the toy.
We also acquired a battery-power ride on truck, that propels are son into every wall, chair and furniture piece.  Luckily it only goes 3 miles per hour.
I have a sneaky fear that as we continue to grow our family that storage needs will increase as well.
If anyone out there has suggestions I am more than grateful to implement.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Craigslist Find!

So we were debating between buying a new crib or moving our son into a new bed.

Originally we talked  about getting a toddler bed. But I'm cheap so the conversation quickly switched to getting a twin bed. Then we made a pro and con list of the twin bed to buying a new crib. The crib we wanted cost about $160. We eventually figured we could build a bed for $100. Case close!

or so I thought...I just happen to be comparing prices on craiglist when I found a twin bed from IKEA for guess how much...yep $100. It even had the under the build storage m'lady wanted. And it had only been posted for less than a hour!  So needless to say we bought it. Pics will be coming soon!